Being OK with it.

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, I’ll be honest and just tell you I haven’t really had the inspiration for it. I’ve been involved in life’s rich fucking tapestry, ha ha.

I’ll start with my inspiration for this blog.. it has been brewing for some time. I train people, I help people get fitter. I advise people on how to eat a balanced diet and how to exercise so they’re getting the most out of their exercise time. One thing i have noticed is how people get frustrated, really very quickly sometimes. If someone gets an exercise wrong, they get cross with themselves.. its the first time you’ve done it give yourself a break. I kept seeing this frustration appearing all over the place. People getting frustrated at work, fuck knows I’ve been there. Frustrated with themselves because their mood isn’t its normal bubbly self.. its like a bloody pandemic of frustration.

What causes this frustration, I reckon it might have something to do with expectation.. perhaps we set it too high or that we expect to achieve things quicker than we should. Have we lost the art of practice and patience? The same goes for Negative thought.. its fucking OK! we can’t always be expected to be full of beans and bus tickets. some days the world is going to seem like a shit place and that life isn’t fair. you know what, it isn’t. And do you know what else, that is OK as well. The sooner we can realise that things don’t always happen the way we expect or the way we imagined, the sooner we can go about fixing that shit. If we let these feelings manifest this is the only way we will see the world. The beauty of the world is in everything.. the good the bad and the downright ugly.

Change and Moving forward, from my experience comes with accepting it all. If you’re down, be down, if you’re up be up, if you’re in the middle embrace that!!

This might seem like a bit of an angst filled post, nothing could be further from the truth. if I’m aware of everything I feel and understand that this is the way it is, I can leave that all to one side and get on with living. I know these things happen and there isn’t much point in letting them envelop me. I can take care of business without thinking about how I’m going to get out of a bad mood or because of that mood I’m going to say fuck it and not bother. Bit by bit I learn more about myself and bit by bit I grow as a person. Getting things done and chipping away at the achievements. All of a sudden I have shit done and now the moods or stress become inconsistent in their appearance. I’m being patient with myself, embracing every part of me and making a good go of it. warts and all.



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